Abdul Hai Sarker re-elected as the Chairman of Dhaka Bank Ltd.
Abdul Hai Sarker has recently been re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Director of Dhaka Bank Limited. Mr. Sarkerwas born in a respectable Muslim family of Sirajgonj District.He accomplished his Post Graduation Degree (M. Com) from the University of Dhaka in 1970. After the graduation, he involved himself in international trade and business and became a reputed industrialist in the country.
His sincere efforts and dynamic leadership culminated in a large business conglomerate in the name of Purbani Group. Mr. Sarker is the Founder Chairman of Dhaka Bank Limited, Former Vice Chairman of Bangladesh Association of Banks (BAB), Former President of Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA), and a former Director of Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI). Now, Mr. Sarkeris the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Independent University Bangladesh (IUB).
The re-election of Mr. Sarkerwill positively enhance values to Dhaka Bank and propel its continuous journey towards excellence.